while you were sleeping . oh , is that right . 教授が寝てる間に。 あっ そう。
how many times do you think i talked to her while you were sleeping ? 迷いながらも君を見つけたよ
not during , but , um after , while you were sleeping . 最中じゃなくて... ...セックスの後 寝ている時ね
not during , but , um after , while you were sleeping . 最中じゃなくて... ...セックスの後 寝ている時ね
i've sort of met you . i mean , i watched you while you were sleeping . 君が寝てる時に 実は会ってるけどね
how many times do you think i talked to her while you were sleeping ? アッキーが寝ている間に 何度泉姉さんと話をしたと思ってる
this is because me and graeme got two minutes of facetime while you were sleeping ? 俺とグリムは お前が寝てる間 2分ほど話したのが原因か
we changed all the clocks , including your car and cellphone , while you were sleeping . あなた達が眠ってる間に 時刻を全部変えたのよ 車も携帯電話もね
we changed all the clocks , including your car and cellphone , while you were sleeping . あなた達が眠ってる間に 時刻を全部変えたのよ 車も携帯電話もね
now all you need is your killer . elementary s01e02 while you were sleeping sync , corrected by elderman casey was already dead when i found him . さて あとは 殺人犯だけだな エレメンタリー シーズン1 第2話 あなたが寝てる間に